台灣錫宏興業有限公司是獲得國家品質認證ISO 9001:2008專業生工業膠粘劑、矽酮膠、清潔劑、嘖漆和樹脂的企業。錫宏興業有限公司不斷致力於研發與創新,並獲得多國產品專利。主要產品有:環氧樹脂AB膠、植筋膠、發泡膠、免釘膠、矽利康、建築隔間縫專用填縫劑、噴膠、噴漆、瞬間膠、缺氧膠、密封膠、修補黏膠、強力膠、接著劑、填縫劑、去污保養清潔劑等。
我們以雄厚的科研技術力量和豐富經驗的製造團隊,以強大的銷售網路和一批高素質的銷售人員,不斷致力於實現優質產品和提供消費者最好的價格為職志。我們提供的各種高品質接著劑和黏膠,適用於辦公室、學校、家庭、工廠和自己動手做 DIY 等。假如您對我們的產品有興趣,請看我們網路上的產品分類或直接和我們連絡以取得更多產品資訊. 我們將會很樂意回饋您。
PowerBon Co., Ltd. is a company got national qualified certificate of ISO 9001:2008. We produce many kinds of professional industrial adhesives, glue, silicone sealant, resin, spray paint and cleaner, resin. We devote to research and develop of products and win many country patents. Our main products are epoxy adhesive, AB glue, injection anchor(mortar anchor), gel nails (no more nail), construction adhesive, silicone, building gap partition professional filler, spray adhesives, aerosol lacquer, super glue, anaerobe adhesives, sealant, repair adhesives, contact cement, gap partition filler, wax, polish.
Our team has high technologies and rich experiences for production. We have strong selling network and high level of professional sales. We devote to accomplish excellent products and offer the best prices for our customers. The products of many different adhesives we offer can be suitable for office, school, home, factory and DIY etc. If you are interested in our products, you are welcome to view our website to get more products information or directly contact with us. It’s our pleasure to feedback you.